Search Results for: islam

Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World

Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World

Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World Introducing ten influential Islamic scholars whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the global Muslim community. Each of these scholars has dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, the dissemination of Islamic teachings, and the promotion of spiritual growth among believers. From theologians to jurists,…

Popular Muslim Baby Names for Boys

Popular Muslim Baby Names for Boys

Popular Muslim Baby Names for Boys – Modern Names List Here’s a table summarizing the names along with their meanings and origins: Name Meaning Origin AAYAN God’s gift Arabic ADEEL virtuous, one who acts with justice Arabic AFREEN beautiful Persian ALI lofty, sublime Arabic AQIB successor Arabic ARSALAN lion, fearless Arabic ASAD lion Arabic ASIM…

Should Muslims celebrate Valentine’s Day  ?

Should Muslims celebrate Valentine’s Day ?

Should Muslims celebrate Valentine’s Day ? Introduction In contemporary times, the question that Should Muslims celebrate Valentine’s Day has become so hot. The celebration of Valentine’s Day has become increasingly prevalent, with its exchange of gifts, roses, and festive attire. However, within Islamic jurisprudence, discussions arise regarding the permissibility of participating in such celebrations. This…

How to perform Istikhara, step by step

How to perform Istikhara, step by step

How to perform Istikhara ? “Istikhara” refers to the act of seeking goodness and guidance from Allah (Exalted is He). It entails seeking divine direction when faced with significant decisions or tasks. The individual performing istikhara essentially beseeches Allah Almighty, the Knower of the Unseen (Exalted is He), to guide them in determining whether the…

Exploring Cryptocurrencies, Digital Dollars, and the Future of Money

Exploring Cryptocurrencies, Digital Dollars, and the Future of Money

The rapid growth of Bitcoin and other digital currencies is making things tricky for governments and central banks. More people are using them, but they’re also very unpredictable, which makes this digital money experiment riskier. Summary Exploring Cryptocurrencies, Digital Dollars, and the Future of Money In just a few years, cryptocurrencies went from being new…

Top Books to Help You Understand the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Top Books to Help You Understand the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Top Books to Help You Understand the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict The study of the Arab-Israeli conflict’s history has evolved into a contentious battlefield where scholars present widely contrasting narratives. Nevertheless, here is a compilation of exceptional books recommended by Financial Times (FT) specialists, shedding light on the historical complexities and global repercussions of this enduring struggle….

How to Manage Anger Outburst?

How to Manage Anger Outburst?

Anger is a universal human emotion that can be both a constructive force (if you manage anger outburst) for change and a destructive one if ones cannot manage it effectively. Introduction to Manage Anger Outburst Anger is a universal human emotion that can be both a constructive force (if you manage anger outburst) for change…

The Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad By Yasir Qadhi PDF 2023

The Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad By Yasir Qadhi PDF 2023

Introduction: The Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad By Yasir Qahdi Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a remarkable human being who lived in the Arabian Peninsula during the seventh century. He was the last prophet of Islam and is considered to be the founder of the religion. This essay will explore the life of…