Saudi Arabia Introduces Exciting Esports World Championship

Gulf state makes latest competitive gaming move with annual tournament from summer 2024.

Saudi Arabia Introduces Exciting Esports World Championship


  • Riyadh to Host Prestigious Esports World Championship with a Historic Prize Pool
  • Diverse Teams to Vie in a Range of Popular Game Genres
  • Saudi Arabia Embarks on Gaming and Esports Initiative Launched Last Year

Esports World Championship

Saudi Arabia has embarked on an ambitious venture, revealing its latest foray into the world of competitive gaming with the grandiose announcement of the annual Esports World Cup.

Set to kick off its inaugural season in the scorching summer of 2024, this monumental esports extravaganza will take center stage in the vibrant city of Riyadh.

What makes this tournament truly unparalleled is its colossal prize pool, poised to shatter records and etch its name in the annals of esports history.

Teams from far and wide will convene in Riyadh, representing a diverse array of gaming genres, all vying for the coveted title of champion in this epic showdown.

The anticipatory thrill is tangible, and fans and players alike are eager to catch a glimpse of the unfolding action.

With bated breath, we await further revelations and intricacies, which are slated to be unveiled in the early months of 2024, promising to provide gamers and enthusiasts with a tantalizing taste of what’s to come.

This Esports World Cup is more than just a competitive gaming spectacle; it is an integral component of Saudi Arabia’s National Gaming and Esports Strategy.

Esports World Championship
Esports World Cup: Saudi Arabia launches one of the largest gaming events

This visionary strategy is laser-focused on boosting the sector’s financial contribution to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), with a monumental target of surpassing SR50 billion (equivalent to US$13.3 billion) and generating an impressive 39,000 jobs by the year 2030.

This isn’t merely about fun and games; it’s about economic growth and employment opportunities that will shape the future of the country.

But there’s more to the story. In an astounding display of dedication to the esports cause, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has also unveiled the Esports World Cup Foundation, a charitable institution with the primary goal of fostering collaboration among stakeholders in the ever-expanding esports universe.

The revered former chairman of ESL FACEIT Group, Ralf Reichert, is set to helm this ambitious initiative as its chief executive, ensuring the foundation’s mission is in capable hands.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in a statement filled with enthusiasm and vision, declared, “The Esports World Cup is the natural next step in Saudi Arabia’s journey to become the premier global hub for gaming and esports, offering an unmatched esports experience that pushes the boundaries of the industry.”

His words underline the nation’s steadfast commitment to esports and gaming, demonstrating that this isn’t just about entertainment; it’s about propelling Saudi Arabia closer to its Vision 2030 objectives, which include diversifying the economy, bolstering the tourism sector, creating a multitude of new job opportunities, and delivering top-tier entertainment experiences to citizens, residents, and visitors alike.

In essence, it’s about ushering in a new era where Saudi Arabia stands as a beacon in the realm of esports, inviting the world to partake in its thrilling journey.

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