We have failed. Let’s call spade a spade

We have failed. Let's call spade a spade

We have failed. Let’s call spade a spade

It might seem that the conflict is recent but this story goes as back as 1897. Zionism: A movement that sought for the reestablishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was founded as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl. He in his renowned pamphlet, Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), demanded an urgent need for the establishment of a Jewish state as a solution to the “Jewish Question”. This movement got impetus due to the discrimination, persecution, and anti-Semitism faced by Jews in Europe. It led to the Balfour Declaration 1917 and finally culminated into the state of Israel in May 1948.

The point here is not to have a historical backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinians conflict but rather to understand the inhumane genocidal cleansing of the innocent people of Gaza.

 You and I see the whining and moaning of thousands of children, moms and dads, brothers and sisters in horrible plight they are going through in Gaza. We just scroll up the feeds and sleep as if nothing happened wrong to us. We slumber without even thinking what If they were us and we were they?

What if the same blitzing bombings were hitting any of the Pakistani cities? What if our babies and families were buried under the huge rubbles of buildings? Does it seem heartbreaking? Of course, it does when it comes to us. Have we looked at it through the prism of empathy? Have we put ourselves in their shoes? Had it been the case, it would have awakened us; it would have united us; it would have led to a robust response from every Muslim across the world. But let’s accept we have failed in doing so.

The little doll like faces have become defunct by using white phosphorous being dropped by fighter jets. This terror from the sky have annihilated their homes.  Many of Israel’s operations have centered around the densely populated cities of Gaza and Khan Younis and Israeli strikes have caused massive collateral damages. Because of ongoing attacks and a shortage of essential resources, there are now only fifteen operational hospitals, with twelve of them located in the southern region. The World Health Organization has issued a warning about the potential spread of diseases, highlighting the increasing number of civilian casualties in the area.

Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant,”           

It is so hurting to talk about the death tolls in total. The Ministry of Health in Gaza has said that 17,177 people – including 7,112 children – have been killed and 46,000 wounded since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict started on October 7. In the occupied West Bank, the death toll stood at 266, with 3,365 wounded.

Is not it a genocide when Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu invokes ‘Amalek’ – which can be referring to a biblical term as described in “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant,…”  – narrative in speech about expanding ground operation in Gaza. The President of Israel, Isaac Herzog also said, “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible”.  

Who is to blame for this genocide and killing of 7112 children? All 2 billion Muslims are responsible for this including you and me. We are held to be responsible because we have turned a blind eye. We did not mobilize the government to act and manifest its political smartness. We, the 2 billion Muslims residing in 57 states, have utterly failed to compel the governments. Both the Masjid and Imam have failed; the political leadership that comes out on the street for Dharnas (set-ins) for their political interest has failed.

 Still we are slumbering; still we cannot even boycott their products. Still we are doing nothing but counting the dead bodies. And we will count till the last dead body. We are doing nothing because we are safe. We will realize but it will be too little too late. We have failed. Let’s call spade a spade.

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