Why and How English? practical steps
Why and how English? For some, it was the best of time when Arabic used to be the same what is now English; anyhow, the decline took not more than centuries. Centuries? Yes. Might it be too short since Ottoman appears to be extinguished in the wake of World War I that was the last remnants of Muslims’ dynasties. Just in ten scores year, how did the whole mindset change in Asia when people sought to learn Arabic and Persian?
Why and How English?
Thanks to the British Imperialism, in other words colonialism, and contemporary globalization that brought about all this. in contemporary era, why and how English should be learnt? Here are some practical steps to be followed for becoming a conversant with the language.
There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen. In contrast, the advancement belonging to this late generation is believed to have taken place as quick that one could not of imagine. Shocking?! But it is worthy of acceptance, whether you believe it or not. Even though, you could have not thought of speaking in an occidental language; because, by doing so, you would have been deemed as western by many if not all. Anyway, instants have been strenuously changed.
Why and how English? Today, English has become increasingly the source of correspondence and communication all across the globe. From your smartphone to calculator, lap-top to smart-watch, billboard to display, Facebook to YouTube…TikTok, Insta-gram, Google and tens of thou-sands other stuffs that cannot be jotted down hold English as their medium of instructions.
Above all, the examinations and last but not least is the criterion of cognition. To the latter, I would rather keep a strong disagreement. It is need of the hour but not a standard against which someone’s ability is gauged. But here is one thing that needs to be got your head around and that is market essentials.
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If it is appetited for, then one must be fully conversed with it. It is neither arduous nor a piece of cake, but somewhat diligent. The first thing one should do is to create imaginations in one’s mind. The power of imagination is something unrivaled. When one develops thinking in English, then it be-comes easier for it to speak of. Secondly, an individual must make a habit of reading; what-ever books or novels it likes ought to be given due measure of attention.
“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen”
of attention. When a person reads, it becomes good at the art of thinking as well as speaking. Read, read and keep it general; keep a small notebook with yourself in which you are putting down difficult words and use them in your own way. Apart from, listen to the other good speakers and orators who are eloquent at the art of communication. It will help you in pronunciation and listening ability; because, human brain has so many ways to receive information, so use all of them; master your brain on multiple fronts.
I always leave this example that knowing the English language and becoming a good communicator can be acquired like muscle exercise. The more you use your muscle, the more it gets stronger. As getting stronger muscles require gym which means a sound exercise environment; speaking English also requires a right sort of cli-mate. The sooner you put your-self into such environment, the better you would be.
Therefore, every individual should be good at the much-hyped demand despite the fact that the existing century is the century of Asia but there is no who is denying the existing importance of English Language.