Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World

Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World

Top 10 Great Islamic Scholars in the World

Introducing ten influential Islamic scholars whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the global Muslim community. Each of these scholars has dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, the dissemination of Islamic teachings, and the promotion of spiritual growth among believers.

From theologians to jurists, from preachers to educators, these individuals have shaped the understanding of Islam and inspired millions around the world. Through their writings, lectures, and community engagements, they have enriched the Islamic intellectual tradition and provided guidance for navigating contemporary challenges.

Their diverse backgrounds, methodologies, and areas of expertise reflect the richness and breadth of Islamic scholarship. Collectively, they represent a legacy of wisdom, compassion, and dedication to serving the ummah (Muslim community) and fostering a deeper understanding of Islam’s timeless message of peace, justice, and spirituality.

1. Dr. Zakir Naik

Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian Islamic preacher and scholar, has garnered significant attention for his extensive knowledge of Islam and his articulate manner of presenting it. Born in 1965 in Mumbai, India, Naik pursued his education in medicine before turning his focus towards Islamic studies.

He founded the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) in 1991, aiming to spread the message of Islam and clarify misconceptions about the religion. Naik’s lectures and debates, often available online, have reached a global audience, attracting both admirers and critics.

While many laud his ability to explain complex theological concepts in a simple manner, others have raised concerns about his views on religious pluralism and his stance on certain social issues. Despite controversies, Zakir Naik remains a prominent figure in the Islamic world, influencing countless individuals with his teachings and perspectives.

2. Dr. Israr Ahmad

Dr. Israr Ahmad (1932-2010) was a revered Pakistani Islamic scholar, theologian, and founder of the Tanzeem-e-Islami organization. Born in Haryana, British India, Ahmad graduated in medicine from King Edward Medical University in Lahore but soon turned his focus towards Islamic studies and activism.

His profound understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, coupled with his gift for oration, made him a prominent figure in the global Islamic community. Ahmad advocated for the establishment of an Islamic state based on Quranic principles and worked tirelessly to propagate his vision through lectures, writings, and organizational efforts.

Despite some controversies surrounding his views on various theological and political matters, Ahmad’s dedication to Islamic scholarship and his commitment to the revival of Islamic values left an indelible mark on generations of Muslims worldwide.

3. Ahmed Deedat

Ahmed Deedat (1918-2005) was a South African Muslim scholar and missionary who gained international renown for his efforts in Islamic evangelism and interfaith dialogue.

Born in India and later moving to South Africa, Deedat dedicated his life to spreading the message of Islam, particularly through his extensive knowledge of comparative religion. He founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) in Durban, where he produced numerous books, pamphlets, and videos defending Islam and critiquing Christianity.

Deedat was renowned for his sharp debating skills, engaging in public debates with Christian missionaries and scholars, which earned him the nickname “the Muslim scholar of the Bible.”

Despite facing health challenges later in life, Deedat continued his mission fervently until his passing. His legacy persists through the IPCI and the countless individuals inspired by his dedication to Islamic education and dialogue.

4. Mufti Taqi Usmani

Maulana Taqi Usmani, born in 1943 in Deoband, India, is a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist renowned for his expertise in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh).

He hails from a prestigious scholarly lineage, being the son of the renowned Islamic scholar Maulana Muhammad Shafi Usmani. Maulana Taqi Usmani received his education at Darul Uloom Karachi, where he studied under eminent scholars, mastering various disciplines of Islamic knowledge.

He later served as a judge on the Shariah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, where he played a crucial role in shaping Islamic finance and legal matters in the country.

Usmani’s scholarly works, including his extensive commentary on the Quran, have been widely acclaimed for their depth and clarity. He is also a prominent advocate for Islamic finance, playing a pivotal role in the development of Sharia-compliant banking and finance systems globally.

Despite his scholarly pursuits, Maulana Taqi Usmani remains actively engaged in social and religious outreach, delivering sermons and lectures that emphasize the importance of piety, justice, and compassion in everyday life. His influence extends beyond borders, as he is revered by Muslims worldwide for his profound knowledge and dedication to serving Islam.

5. Mulana Tariq Jameel

Maulana Tariq Jameel, born in 1953 in Mian Channu, Pakistan, is a prominent Islamic scholar and preacher known for his powerful and emotive sermons. He graduated from Jamia Arabia, Raiwind, one of the most renowned Islamic seminaries in Pakistan.

Maulana Tariq Jameel’s speeches focus on moral and spiritual reformation, urging individuals to lead righteous lives according to Islamic teachings. His popularity surged with the widespread distribution of his lectures through various media platforms, including television, radio, and the internet.

Jameel’s gentle demeanor, humility, and ability to connect with diverse audiences have earned him respect and admiration globally. He frequently emphasizes the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and self-reflection, transcending sectarian divides and promoting unity within the Muslim community.

Despite occasional controversies, Maulana Tariq Jameel remains a highly influential figure, revered for his efforts in promoting Islamic values and fostering spiritual awakening among believers.

6. Mufti Menk

Mufti Ismail Menk, born in Zimbabwe in 1975, is a globally recognized Islamic scholar and motivational speaker. Graduating with a degree in Islamic Law from the University of Madinah, Mufti Menk embarked on a journey to spread Islamic knowledge and guidance.

He gained widespread popularity through his engaging lectures, which cover a wide range of topics including spirituality, family life, and social issues, all grounded in Islamic teachings. Menk’s down-to-earth approach, coupled with his gentle demeanor and sense of humor, has resonated with audiences of diverse backgrounds worldwide.

He utilizes various platforms, including social media and public events, to reach out to millions of followers, inspiring them to lead righteous lives and strengthen their connection with their faith. Despite facing criticism from some quarters, Mufti Menk remains a prominent figure in the global Muslim community, admired for his dedication to promoting unity, tolerance, and compassion among believers.

7. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, born in 1951 in Pakistan, is a prominent Islamic scholar, theologian, and Quranic exegete known for his progressive interpretation of Islam. Trained in traditional Islamic sciences, Ghamidi embarked on a quest for a deeper understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, eventually developing his own methodology of interpretation.

He advocates for a contextual reading of religious texts, emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical and cultural context in which they were revealed. Ghamidi’s approach to Islamic jurisprudence seeks to reconcile tradition with contemporary issues, promoting a balanced understanding of Islamic law that is in harmony with modern values and principles of justice.

Despite facing criticism from some conservative circles, Ghamidi remains committed to fostering a rational and enlightened understanding of Islam, advocating for pluralism, democracy, and human rights within an Islamic framework. Through his writings, lectures, and public engagements, he continues to challenge conventional interpretations and inspire critical thinking among Muslims around the world.

He has also founded Ghamidi Center for Islamic Learning in America to educate people about moral, ethical, and human values as taught in Islam. 

8. Yasmin Mogahed

Yasmin Mogahed is a prominent Muslim speaker, author, and spiritual counselor known for her insightful perspectives on faith, personal development, and relationships. Born and raised in the United States, Mogahed pursued her education in psychology and journalism before delving into Islamic studies.

She gained widespread recognition through her writings, particularly her book “Reclaim Your Heart,” which explores themes of love, loss, and spiritual growth from an Islamic perspective. Mogahed’s work emphasizes the importance of introspection, gratitude, and reliance on God as pathways to inner peace and contentment.

She is known for her ability to connect with audiences across cultural and religious divides, offering guidance and support through her lectures, articles, and social media presence.

Mogahed’s messages resonate with many, inspiring individuals to navigate life’s challenges with faith, resilience, and compassion. Her advocacy for social justice and women’s empowerment further underscores her commitment to promoting a holistic understanding of Islam rooted in compassion and empathy.

9. Nouman Ali Khan

Nouman Ali Khan is a contemporary Islamic scholar and educator known for his insightful Quranic teachings and engaging lectures. Born in Berlin, Germany, and raised in New York City, Khan pursued a career in computer science before dedicating himself to Islamic studies.

He founded Bayyinah Institute, an organization focused on spreading knowledge of the Quran and Arabic language, which offers online courses, seminars, and workshops. Khan’s unique approach to Quranic exegesis emphasizes linguistic analysis and contextual understanding, making the teachings of the Quran accessible to a modern audience.

He is widely regarded for his ability to connect with listeners through relatable examples and anecdotes, encouraging them to reflect on the relevance of Quranic guidance in their daily lives.

Through his lectures, Khan promotes a deeper understanding of Islam rooted in compassion, humility, and social responsibility. His influence extends globally, inspiring countless individuals to deepen their relationship with the Quran and strengthen their faith.

10. Dr. Bilal Philips

Dr. Bilal Philips, born in Jamaica in 1947, is a Canadian Muslim scholar, author, and teacher known for his contributions to Islamic education and dawah (inviting others to Islam).

He embraced Islam in the early 1970s and later pursued higher education in Islamic studies, earning a Bachelor’s degree from the Islamic University of Madinah and a Master’s degree and Ph.D. from the University of Wales.

Dr. Philips has authored over fifty books on various aspects of Islam, covering topics such as theology, jurisprudence, and Islamic history. He is also the founder of the Islamic Online University, which provides accessible Islamic education to students worldwide.

Dr. Philips is renowned for his clear and straightforward approach to teaching Islam, often emphasizing the importance of understanding and practicing the religion in its authentic form. He has lectured extensively around the world, addressing diverse audiences and advocating for a balanced and moderate interpretation of Islam.

Despite controversies and criticisms, Dr. Bilal Philips remains a respected figure within the global Muslim community, admired for his dedication to spreading knowledge and promoting understanding of the faith.


In conclusion, the collective impact of these ten great Islamic scholars transcends boundaries of geography, culture, and time. Their unwavering commitment to scholarship, piety, and service to humanity has left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire and guide generations of Muslims worldwide.

Through their profound insights, scholarly contributions, and tireless efforts in spreading knowledge, they have enriched the Islamic tradition and strengthened the spiritual fabric of the ummah.

As we reflect on their lives and teachings, may we strive to emulate their virtues, uphold their principles, and work towards a better understanding and practice of Islam in our lives and communities.

In honoring their legacies, let us embrace the values of compassion, justice, and unity, fostering a world guided by the timeless wisdom of Islam.

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